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Wang, D., A. Antoniades, K-D. Luong, E. Zhang, M. Kosan, J. Li, A. Singh, W. Yang Wang, and L. Li, "Global Human-guided Counterfactual Explanations for Molecular Properties via Reinforcement Learning", Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, New York, NY, USA, Association for Computing Machinery, 2024.
Kosan, M., S. Verma, B. Armgaan, K. Pahwa, A. Singh, S. Medya, and S. Ranu, "GNNX-BENCH: Unravelling the Utility of Perturbation-based GNN Explainers through In-depth Benchmarking", The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024.
Ye, W., O. Askarisichani, A. T. Jones, and A. K. Singh, "Learning Deep Graph Representations via Convolutional Neural Networks", IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., vol. 34, pp. 2268–2279, 2022.
Askarisichani, O., F. Bullo, N. E. Friedkin, and A. K. Singh, "Predictive models for human–AI nexus in group decision making", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1514, pp. 70–81, 2022.
Askarisichani, O., E. Y. Huang, K. S. Sato, N. E. Friedkin, F. Bullo, and A. K. Singh, "Expertise and confidence explain how social influence evolves along intellective tasks", CoRR, vol. abs/2011.07168, 2020.
Dang, X-H., O. Askarisichani, and A. K. Singh, "Learning Multiclassifiers with Predictive Features that Vary with Data Distribution", IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2018), Seattle, WA, USA, December 10-13, 2018: IEEE, 2018.
Amelkin, V., P. Bogdanov, and A. K. Singh, "A Distance Measure for the Analysis of Polar Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks", IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), San Diego, California, US, IEEE, 04/2017.
Amelkin, V., F. Bullo, and A. K. Singh, "Polar Opinion Dynamics in Social Networks", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC), 2017.
Amelkin, V., O. Askarisichani, Y. Ji Kim, T. W. Malone, and A. K. Singh, "Dynamics of Collective Performance in Collaboration Networks", XXXVI International Sunbelt Conference, Newport Beach, California, US, International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), 2016.
Amelkin, V., O. Askarisichani, Y. Ji Kim, T. W. Malone, and A. K. Singh, "Dynamics of Collective Performance in Collaboration Networks", XXXVI International Sunbelt Conference, Newport Beach, California, US, International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), 2016.
Hill, S. M., L. M. Heiser, T. Cokelaer, M. Unger, N. K. Nesser, D. E. Carlin, Y. Zhang, A. Sokolov, E. O. Paull, C. K. Wong, et al., "Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort", Nature methods, vol. 13, pp. 310–318, 2016.
Hill, S. M., L. M. Heiser, T. Cokelaer, M. Unger, N. K. Nesser, D. E. Carlin, Y. Zhang, A. Sokolov, E. O. Paull, C. K. Wong, et al., "Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort", Nature methods, vol. 13, pp. 310–318, 2016.
Nguyen, D-A., T. Abdelzaher, S. Borbash, X-H. Dang, R. Ganti, A. Singh, and M. Srivatsa, "On Critical Event Observability Using Social Networks: A Disaster Monitoring Perspective", Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2014 IEEE: IEEE, 2014.
Feng, Y., D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, and A. K. Singh, "Scalable ranking for preference queries", Proceedings of the 2005 {ACM} {CIKM} International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, October 31 - November 5, 2005, pp. 313–314, 2005.
Feng, Y., D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, and A. K. Singh, "Scalable ranking for preference queries", Proceedings of the 2005 {ACM} {CIKM} International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Bremen, Germany, October 31 - November 5, 2005, pp. 313–314, 2005.
Prabhakar, S., D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, A. K. Singh, and T. R. Smith, "Browsing and placement of multi-resolution images on parallel disks", Multimedia Syst., vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 459–469, 2003.
Prabhakar, S., D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, A. K. Singh, and T. R. Smith, "Browsing and placement of multi-resolution images on parallel disks", Multimedia Syst., vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 459–469, 2003.